
Is Antifreeze Bad For Your Skin

If you're constantly on the lookout for ultra-hydrating and moisturizing ingredients, this commodity is for you. Considering today, we are going to enlighten you lot near Propylene Glycol, a widely used ingredient in the cosmetic manufacture.

Propylene Glycol is used in different capacities in peel care products. It is a versatile ingredient that has many benefits to offering to its user. So, allow's find out everything this ingredient can do and bust some common myths regarding its ill effects.

What Is Propylene Glycol?

Propylene glycol [1] is an organic, colourless and odorless synthetic liquid that absorbs water. Information technology is used equally humectant, solvent, emollient or preservative in various skincare products.. It is best known for the attributes of a hydrating and delivery ingredient. This means it retains wet in your skin and aids in better absorption of strong ingredients into the skin. The ingredient is most ordinarily used in creams, lotions, and serums.

How To Use Propylene Glycol On Skin?

  • Some skincare products with this ingredient may demand priming prior usage.
  • For a few products, you may require to shake it well before utilize.
  • Read the instructions on the product characterization advisedly to avoid whatsoever kind of mishap.
  • In instance of questions or doubts regarding Propylene Glycol usage for certain skin issues, do not hesitate to consult your dermatologist.
  • If you're using information technology for a concern, only utilize to the affected areas of the skin every bit directed in the characterization or by your dermatologist.
  • The frequency and the amount of usage will depend on the product and your skin trouble. For example, if yous are looking to cure your dry hands, your doctor may advise you to utilize the product after every manus launder.
  • For peel fire issues, beginning check with your doc if your product can be applied to your burnt areas or not.



Make sure you are not allergic to the ingredient.

Do not ignore if you have irritation on skin after applying the cosmetic.

Follow the instructions on the production before applying.

Do non mix information technology with any other product without consulting a doctor.

But utilize the quantity every bit directed on the product.

Do not use a huge amount of the product at in one case.

Apply information technology only once or twice a day as per the instruction.

Practise non employ it more the required/instructed time.

Use the product to heal the affected areas of your skin.

Avoid using information technology in sensitive areas like eyes and nasal region.

Word Of Caution

Though propylene glycol is relatively safety to use, Few areas of your body with skin weather condition may get farther affected due to the awarding of this ingredient. Usage of Propylene Glycol on irritated skin may cause harm. Thus, consult your doctor before application, especially if yous take any skin problems. Also carry a patch test before utilise in case of allergies.

Benefits Of Propylene Glycol For Skin

ane. Absorbs H2o

Propylene glycol acts equally a humectant at a low concentration level. It secures the water and takes it to the outer layer of your skin. Hence, the cosmetics products which have Propylene Glycol are good for peel hydration and to resolve your skin dryness and irksome appearance.

2. Moisturizing Element

When Propylene Glycol behaves like a humectant, it also offers some moisturizing benefits to your pare. Your skin gets a smooth and non-mucilaginous experience after using products enriched with Propylene Glycol.

3. Reduces Aging Signs

Nosotros all get-go aging after a certain point in life. Our skin has a component chosen Natural Moisturizing Cistron (NMF) [two], which dries out with age. This causes aging signs similar wrinkles, flaking, and roughness. Propylene Glycol tin slow down the footstep at which your skin ages.

four. Enhances The Consequence Of Cosmetics

Apart from having its unique benefits, propylene glycol also helps in absorption of other active ingredients in cosmetics. It simplifies and enhances ingredient penetration through the peel. Naturally, the corrective works more than efficiently and provides the best effect.

five. Prevents Water Loss

Propylene Glycol works as an emollient to create a protective layer on your pare. This prevents h2o loss and results in smooth and healthy-looking skin.

6. Skillful For Acne

I of the near common and bothersome skin issues we face is acne. Many cosmetic ingredients do more than harm to acne instead of immigration information technology. Only propylene glycol is rubber for acne as it is not oily. It helps to heal the skin with fourth dimension and fade the acne.

blackboard with the chemical formula of Propylene glycol

Divergence Between Propylene Glycol & Ethylene Glycol

Propylene Glycol and Ethylene Glycol are commonly mistaken to be the same ingredient. But they have completely unlike structures and attributes. Ethylene Glycol is used as an anti-freeze, but it has a high toxicity level which may be harmful to your skin. On the other hand, propylene glycol has very low-level toxicity for some pare weather and is used in many cosmetics.

Did You Know?

  • Propylene glycol breaks downward in the body within 48 hours of its application.
  • Propylene Glycol is rubber to apply regularly if you are not allergic to it.
  • Due to its versatile nature, Propylene glycol works well with most every ingredient.
  • Co-ordinate to the Earth Health Arrangement , daily intake for Propylene is estimated at 25 mg per kg body weight.
  • Propylene fulfills the duties of antifreeze when used in chemicals, food, and other products. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) [3] has declared propylene glycol equally a rubber additive for food.

Propylene Glycol Side Effects On Pare & Precautions

  • Propylene Glycol is obtained from petroleum, which leads to the concerns if it is carcinogenic (cancer-causing). Merely remember that cosmetic-grade petrolatum and commercially used petroleum are dissimilar from each other. Thus, the toxicity level in propylene glycol is negligible and safe for skincare.
  • People who accept eczema should not be using propylene-based cosmetics every bit it may worsen the peel status.
  • Try a lilliputian amount of the product on your artillery earlier y'all utilize information technology regularly. If the ingredient does not arrange you or causes allergy, and then discontinue use.
  • Studies advise repeated application of this ingredient on the eye and nasal region may develop some irritation.

Wrapping Upward

It is always good to know the chemicals you lot put on your peel. Even though Propylene Glycol for peel is a debatable topic, we take tried to jot down every pro and con to requite you a clear overview of the ingredient. There should non be any major concern well-nigh using Propylene Glycol. Just as we ever say, consulting your dermatologist for details is the best option.

Begin Past Knowing Your Skin


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