
How To Update Node Js In Laravel

Table of contents

  • How To Upgrade To Node.js 14?
    • Update Node On Linux
    • Update Node On Windows & macOS
    • Update Node On Ubuntu
  • What's New In Node.js 14
    • Updated Functioning
    • Newer and More Powerful JavaScript Engine
    • Reliable and More Detailed Diagnostic Study
    • Better Compatibility With Different OS
    • Web Associates System Interface
    • New Compiler
    • Better Stream API
  • Conclusion

With every new version, Node.JS improves substantially from its predecessor, whether information technology is near stability or features. The experts always recommend working on the latest Node.JS for the projects. Today, we will about How To Update Node JS to the latest version.

Recently, a new version of Node.JS Architecture has been introduced for the users and the numeration is Node.JS 14. If yous are too looking to Upgrade Node JS and want to know about the benefits of Node.JS 14 over previous versions, y'all are at the right place.

Nosotros are going to talk about the benefits of Upgrade Node to Latest Version and volition help y'all install it in your system. So, be with u.s.a. until the end of the article and know how you tin can use Node.JS fourteen for your benefits.

How To Upgrade To Node.js 14?

At present, let's talk about the mode you can Upgrade Node. In this section, we'll emphasize how to upgrade Node JS in the simplest manner on the different platforms.

So, regardless of the platform, you are using, yous will notice this section extremely helpful to know How to Upgrade NodeJS.

So, let's come across How To Update Node JS to the latest version on different working platforms.

Update Node On Linux

Like any other update, the How to Upgrade NodeJS tin exist washed in numerous ways.

Here, we are going to hash out the iii most reliable and simple ways to upgrade Node JS.

Accept a look at each of them and follow the procedure that seems easiest to you.

Updating Node JS using Node Version Managing director

Updating Node JS using Node Version Manager

Talking about the all-time fashion to upgrade the Node version in the Linux organisation is to do it with the Node Version Manager or NVM for short.

Here'southward the stride-to-step guide for upgrading Node JS past using the NVM

Step 1: Update the package repository by using the following control:

sudo apt update

Step ii:Y'all need to download a few dependencies. To exercise and then, follow the control:

sudo apt install build-essential checkinstall libssl-dev

Pace 3: Use the Curlicue control to install NVM

curl -o- | bash

Stride iv: Restart the concluding

Stride 5: Check the NVM version by using the command:

nvm –version

check nvm version

Step 6: Check the available NVM releases past the command:

nvm ls-remote

NVM releases by the command

Stride seven: The last step is to install the version number according to the list. To practice this, you need to enter the following control

nvm install [version.number]

Upgrading Node awarding with Node Package Director NPM

In case yous aren't likewise great to go with the codes and desire a simpler way to install the latest Node JS, the Node packet manager would be a perfect choice to become with.

Here's how you tin update Node JS Application using the parcel manager. The Node Bundle Managing director is a simple tool to upgrade the node with the utmost condolement without dealing with complex coding.

Step 1: The very first footstep that you need to follow is to clear the NPM cache. To practice this, you demand to enter the following command:

npm cache make clean –f

npm clean cache

Stride two: Next, install the node version manager past the control:

npm install -chiliad n

npm install module

Step 3: Now, you lot can choose the version of the node by three ways, latest stable version, the latest release, or past inbound a specific version number that you are looking to install on the arrangement.

  • The latest stable version utilize this command ' n stable '
  • For installing the latest release ' n latest '
  • Installing the specific version ' N [version.number] '

Upgrading Node Application by Using Binary Packages

Another method of How to Update Nodejs Application to the Latest Version on a Linux system is to use the binary packages.

Step 1: The kickoff pace is to download the node's official page to get the list of available packages for the users.

download nodejs binaries for linux

Cull the version that you need to install on your organisation and download the source lawmaking directly from the page. You can also opt for the pre-packaged installer for the simpler installation.

In case you are not too keen to download the package form the browser, utilize the following command to download the desired version. '


Step 2: Extract the Binary packet by inbound the post-obit command:

sudo apt-get install xz-utils

Step 3:Install the package by entering the following command:

tar -C /usr/local –strip-components i -xJf node-v12.thirteen.1-linux-x64.tar.xz

Update Node On Windows & macOS

Like the Linux system, Node JS tin can besides be installed on a Windows or macOS system past following 2 ways, one is through the packet installer, and the other i is through the command line prompt.

So, if you lot are using a Windows PC or a MAC, this section would exist of extreme importance for y'all. Information technology will aid you to know How To Update Node JS.

Upgrading Node JS Windows or macOS using the installer

Step 1: Navigate to the Node.JS website and get the latest and most reliable stable version of Node JS that you lot want to run on your calculator.

Upgrading Node JS Windows

Step 2:You lot can go with the latest release or the latest stable version according to your needs. There are 3 options to go with. Y'all can either go with the package installer or download the source code as per the needs.

Step 3: Once the download is complete, run the installer.

Step 4:There will be a Node.js Setup Wizard appearing for the installation.

Node.js Setup Wizard

Stride five: Accept the license agreement and click on 'Next'.

license agreement

Step vi: Choose the destination folder where y'all need to install Node.js.

install Node.js

Stride seven: At present, the latest version of Node.js ready to install. Click install to confirm and await for installation process to go completed.

Pace viii: Bank check the version of the node using the command:

node -v

Upgrading Node JS Windows or macOS using the Node Package Managing director NPM

Well, in this section nosotros are covering How to Upgrade NodeJS to its latest version. JS past using the n model inside the Node Bundle Managing director (NPM) control.

If you rent node js programmers make sure that they have accurate knowledge most pros of directly interacting with the Node.JS version by using the 'n' feature.

Follow the below-listed steps for updating the latest Node.JS

Step 1: The initial pace for upgrading your Node.JS would exist checking the electric current version of your Node. Js. You can easily find that past using this control:

node -v

Step ii: The next stride would be clearing the Node Package Manager (NPM) enshroud. It can be done by using this control:

npm cache clean -f

Stride 3:Afterward clearing the NPM cache now yous should install the 'n' globally. And it can be installed by using the command line

npm install –g n

Step 4: Once y'all globally install the 'n' on your app coding that you demand to install the recently released stable version of Node.JS. Information technology can exist easily done by using this command line:

sudo n stable

Also, yous can install the latest version of the Node.JS by using this command line:

sudo due north latest

Similarly, yous can avail the option of installing a specific version of Node.JS on your app coding by using this command line:

n [version number]

Read as well: Step-past-Step Guide To Integrate PayPal Node.js Recurring Payments API

Update Node On Ubuntu

In case you lot are using the Ubuntu system and are looking for How to Update Node JS with ease, then this is the section for y'all.
Go through the pace-to-pace guide and know how to upgrade Node on your Ubuntu system.

You can easily download and apply NVM on your Ubuntu system. Hither are the steps you volition need to follow.

Step 1: The first step is to download and install the NVm on your arrangement. In order to practice this, you need to enter the post-obit command:

curl -o- | bash

Stride 2: Bank check the version of the NVM by using the following control (V0.35.3 in this example)

nvm –version

Stride 3: Now according to the version of Node JS you are looking to install on your organization, use the control accordingly. For the Node JS version fourteen.iv.0:

nvm install xiv.iv.0

Stride 4: Now, let's begin to install the Node JS packet from Nodesource. Here's the control y'all need to use here:

curl -sL | sudo -E bash –

Step 5: To install the Node JS utilise the command ' sudo apt-get install -y nodejs '

Step 6: The latest version of Node JS volition exist installed on your Ubuntu system.

However, there are a few tweaks that can be treated as essential while using Node JS to get the best benefits. Check them and you are ready to go.

  • To cheque the version installed on the system: 'nodejs –5'
  • Verify NPM version on the system: ' npm version '
  • To update the NPM manually to the latest version: ' npm install -thousand [email protected] '

This was the complete step-to-step guide for installing the latest Node JS on the PC, macOS, and Linux systems.

So, follow the steps as they are written here, and y'all won't find any bug while upgrading to the latest and most stable version of the Node JS.

What's New In Node.js 14

Node.js 14

As discussed earlier, the open-source customs offers many new things and features with every upgrade of Node.JS.

However, if nosotros talk specifically near the Node JS Latest Version 14, hither are the upgrades and changes that nodejs evolution company is likely to experience.

Updated Performance

It is the first major thing that you are going to experience after upgrading the Node version. The operation of the environment has improved drastically over the last two versions of the script.

Also, the new compiler makes information technology a more stable and reliable platform to work on than ever before. Then, if you are looking for a JavaScript environment that is more stable and highly responsive, you should Update Node to Node JS 14.

Newer and More Powerful JavaScript Engine

When you upgrade Node Version to the latest i, you are going to work with a new JavaScript engine V8.8.1. Believe united states, the better usability, easy to use the platform and more powerful list of features brand the Update Node Version as your best decision always.

JavaScript engine V8.8.1

In other words, if you are subsequently a better performance of Nodejs and more stable features that brand working on the environment more than fun and stable, the Node JS 14 would be an essential update for you.

Reliable and More than Detailed Diagnostic Report

If you accept used the previous versions of Node JS (12 and xiii), then yous would exist familiar with the diagnostic reports by the environs. Yet, the concept was on the initial level with the previous versions of Node JS.

With the latest version of the Node JS, the diagnostic report is now more detailed and accurate than before and you lot get the perfectly designed written report for every error you are making.

In other words, the Node JS xiv is easier to use and work with. With a detailed study of the errors and warnings on the update node, you lot can easily tweak the coding and go more than stable and reliable results than on any other previous version of the Node JS.

Better Compatibility With Different OS

With every new version of updated Node JS, the compatibility with the system enhances drastically. And this is too the case with Node JS xiv.

With better stability, your Node JS applications will run more smoothly and conveniently on the different platforms without any major compatibility or performance issues.

Web Assembly System Interface

Web Assembly System Interface

Another nifty matter near Node JS 14 is the perfect System Interface. Now, the environs supports the web assembly interface that is a slap-up choice for enhancing the operation of native modules.

Past this, you can get meliorate support from the elements and tin build a better and more powerful awarding without getting confused about the usability.

New Compiler

For better error treatment and performance, a new and more capable compiler is used which is faster and more constructive than previous generations.

That means you tin can now work on more complex programs without worrying whether the compiler can finer handle it or non.

Though some minimum system requirements are needed to be followed, if y'all are looking to work on amend programs with complex coding and better operation, the Node JS 14 would be the right upgrade for you.

Improve Stream API

To make programming easier and more fluid, the Node JS14 provides full support to the Stream API.

And if you are developing an app that heavily relies on complex functionalities and streams, you should once endeavor your hands on the latest Node JS xiv.

You are going to love the overall functioning and significant usability comeback over the previous versions of Node JS.


And so, this was the consummate information & facts that you should know about the Node JS Latest Version xiv. Without whatever second thought in mind, upgrade Node.js, and get the better stability and operation that you have been waiting for years.

Yous can easily follow the steps listed above to get the latest version of the Node JS. Endeavor them and go improve stability and performance.

We hope you had a great experience reading this commodity and it proves to be of great value to in the near time to come. Thanks.!


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