Skunk. A single discussion that fills fifty-fifty the most intrepid canis familiaris owner with dread. The smell, the nightmare of getting it off, the waste of perfectly good tomato plant juice… Let's face up it, zilch about your dog getting sprayed past a skunk is pleasant. Unfortunately, 1 of our own dogs was the victim of a quite vigorous skunking (in her face, no less!) this past weekend, which sent us to the good erstwhile internet to see what nosotros could observe for a treatment. What we found was a wealth of information and a course of activeness that fabricated a huge difference for poor Lucy! We're sharing what we learned here to help you should you observe your own pup in this predicament.

Most skunks

Skunks are a member of their own unique animal family, but are believed to be related to the weasel family as well (ferrets, weasels, otters, badgers, stoats, and wolverines). They are omnivores, eating both meat and vegetation, and are crepuscular in nature, pregnant they are about active at dawn and sunset. They live in dens that they dig in the ground, and go into semi-hibernation in the colder months. They are nearly active during the spring and summer, when the weather is warmest. This time of twelvemonth is prime number time for skunks.

Common skunk. Photo by Lee Ruk via Flickr.Skunks are generally not-aggressive animals that prefer flying to fight; however, when threatened, they are capable of spraying an incredibly foul-smelling substance a distance of up to 16 feet. This stinky spray is a thick, yellow, oily compound that is degraded from urine and released from smell glands located on either side of their back end. The principle component of this stinky secretion is called mercaptan (when y'all win Jeopardy by knowing that, let us know!), and contains sulfur – hence the stench. In fact, mercaptan is added to odor-free natural gases to that we can tell if nosotros've sprung gas leaks in our stoves or furnaces.

When a skunk is preparing to spray, it will arch its back, heighten his tail high, and begin hissing and stomping his feet on the ground. He may even do headstands with his back and tail arched towards the intruder. When he actually sprays, he will bend into a U-shape, with his head and back finish facing the intruder, and let 'er rip, aiming his spray primarily at the intruder'south confront.

Equally a result, animals that get sprayed by skunks tend to take the burden of it in their face. This should non cause permanent harm, but make sure to keep an eye on your pet's eyes, olfactory organ, and rima oris for a few days. If redness, irritation, and/or secretions occur, make sure to get your pet to a vet right away.

OK, only my dog already got skunked. Now what?

Dog not happy about his skunk bath. Photo by Oakley Originals via Flickr.If your domestic dog found himself on the business end of a skunk, time is absolutely of the essence. The longer the spray sits, the more it sets and the harder it is to leave. If non properly treated, the smell can last for months (or longer!) If your groomer is open, give them a call and see if they can suit an emergency appointment. If that's non possible, then here'southward a DIY solution for you.

First things first, change into some sometime clothes that you lot don't mind getting rid of after, as they're going to aroma to high heavens. Washing the dress will not remove all of the skunk oil and may get out a skunk oil residue in the washing machine. Yuck! Likewise, throw on a pair of prophylactic or latex dish gloves or something similar; y'all don't desire to get the skunk spray on your hands.

Despite what you've heard, save the lycopersicon esculentum juice for a Bloody Mary; it's ineffective at best, and can stain your pup'south coat at worst. At that place are several shop-bought enzymatic sprays yous can use to get rid of skunk spray on a dog, such as Nature'southward Miracle® Skunk Odor Remover. Only of form, we rarely have something like this on hand when we need it, and then just follow the steps beneath for a clean, fresh, stink- and discoloration-gratis dog.

1. Sequester your domestic dog outside. The last matter you want is that stink getting in the house. The skunk oil can be transferred to rugs, upholstery, and other items in the house, and information technology tin can final for quite a while.

2. Put on clothes that you tin throw away later and protective rubber or latex gloves.

3. Bank check your dog for cuts and scratches caused by the animal; if you notice any, skip the remainder of these steps and bring your dog to the vet ASAP.

4. Prepare for an outdoor bathroom. Become a tub if demand be, towels you don't mind throwing out after, the hose, and a helper if possible.

5. DON'T HOSE YOUR DOG Downwardly RIGHT AWAY! This can make the stink worse and brand it harder to get off. Too, if your dog has any cuts or cracks in his skin, this could rinse the skunk spray into them and cause hurting, burning, and irritation and could atomic number 82 to peel problems downwardly the road.

6. Apply a bit of eye lubricant or ane-ii drops of mineral oil to your dog'south eyes. This will protect the eyes in example you get any h2o or other substances in them during the cleaning process.

7. Mix up the following in an OPEN container (every bit it creates a chemical reaction and could EXPLODE in a closed container):

– one quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide (bank check the expiration engagement!)
– ¼ cup baking soda
– 1 teaspoon of stiff liquid lather, such every bit Dawn dishwashing detergent

For larger dogs, you can as well add some lukewarm h2o to the mixture. Practise NOT utilize a college concentration of hydrogen peroxide; information technology can burn down the dog's skin. Too, make sure both the hydrogen peroxide and blistering soda are equally fresh every bit possible. If either has been sitting in the cabinet or fridge for months, it's all-time to run out to the chemist's and pick up some fresh supplies (as they can break downwards over fourth dimension and lose their effectiveness).

8. Locate the expanse(southward) where the domestic dog got sprayed. Wet the surface area(southward) with the solution and thoroughly massage the solution into the coat. An onetime sponge works well for this. Be conscientious not to spread it to other areas equally you're massaging, as the skunk spray is oily and spreads easily.  The oil is what makes it so hard to remove.

nine. If your dog got sprayed in the face, you can apply the mixture to a cloth and wash the domestic dog's face that way, being conscientious to avoid the eyes, nose, and mouth. See the video below for a how-to on getting skunk spray off your dog'southward face and chest.

10. Permit the mixture sit for 5-10 minutes, then thoroughly rinse the domestic dog off with lukewarm water.

11. Echo steps 7-ten until the stink is gone.

12. Dry your pup well and give him a care for – or several!

xiii. Run to the pet store and selection up some skunk aroma removal spray to take on hand in instance this happens again. Also, take a expect around your yard and identify places skunks are probable to hide, so you know where to keep your canis familiaris abroad from in the future.

fourteen. If yous detect a spot in the yard that has been saturated in skunk spray, it is probably a good idea to restrict your pet from that area until the odour is gone. The oiliness of the spray allows it to linger and it could end up on your pet again if he/she plays in that surface area. If y'all accept a Hidden Argue organisation, your local Dealer can assist you create a temporary 'avoidance zone.' If you do not have a Subconscious Fence and are interested in learning more, visit or contact your local DogWatch Dealer.


15. Make sure to not go out trash out overnight when possible, equally this can also attract skunks.

Of import to annotation

Skunk spray has been linked to incidences of various anemias in dogs due to some of the compounds in it. Watch your domestic dog carefully for 3-5 days after it was sprayed, looking for sluggishness, weakness, and/or discolored urine. If you annotation any of the in a higher place, bring the dog to the vet ASAP.

Our information came from these great manufactures:
How to Remove the Skunk Odor from Dogs by Jenna Stregowski, RVT
What to Exercise When Your Dog Has Been Skunked past Dr. Dawn Ruben

Photo credits (superlative to bottom):
Oakley Originals via Flickr
Lee Ruk via Flickr