
How To Update Visual Composer In Wordpress

WPBakery Page Builder is the mandatory plugin for Jupiter and The Ken to have right and full functionality. When the time comes that you want to update our themes to the latest versions you may demand to update the WPBakery Page Builder plugin. To update the plugin you will need to follow the steps below.

Update WPBakery Page Architect

1 Update Theme.

To exist able to install the latest version of WPBakery Page Builder, it's required to update the theme at first. If yous have done this before, please get to pace 2.

  • To update Jupiter, please read How to Update Jupiter Theme tutorial.
  • To update The Ken, delight read How to Update Ken Theme tutorial.

2 Admission the Plugins Card.

Go to WordPress Admin Bill of fare > Plugins > WPBakery Page Architect (Artbees Modified)

3 Deactivate the WPBakery Folio Builder.

Conciliate the WPBakery Page Architect (Artbees Modified) plugin.

Update Visual Composer Deactivate

four Uninstall WPBakery Page Builder.

five Access Advent.

Go to WordPress Admin Menu > Appearance > Install Plugins and you will see the new version of the WPBakery Page Builder listed there.

Update Visual Composer Install

6 Install WPBakery Page Builder.

Click on the Install link to download and install the latest version of WPBakery Folio Architect

Update Visual Composer Install

7 Actuate WPBakery Page Builder.

Become to WordPress Admin Carte du jour > Plugins > WPBakery Page Builder (Artbees Modified) and actuate the new installed plugin there.

Update Visual Composer Activate

8 Clear Enshroud.

The final step is to clear the browser, WordPress, Theme and Server enshroud. For more than detailed information click here.

Update WPBakery Page Builder automatically in Jupiter

Since Jupiter 5.7 version new update method has been released.
Now you can update WPBakery Page Builder plugin via Jupiter > Control Console > Required Plugins.

In Active Plugins section you'll see Update button side by side to WPBakery Page Architect field.

Click it and WPBakery Page Builder plugin will be updated automatically.

We provide Jupiter 6 to Jupiter X migration service under Content Management service in WPDone.

Common issues

A listing of mutual problems that you may face with WPBakery Page Architect. The list will be updated regularly.

WPBakery Page Architect editor is available for Pages only

When you edit pages, you tin use the WPBakery Page Builder editor by default, but when y'all movement to posts, the VC isn't present and you accept to utilise the standard WordPress editor.

There is a quick and like shooting fish in a barrel gear up for this:

1 From the WordPress left dashobard, become to WPBakery Folio Builder > Function Managing director > Post Types.

2 Select Custom Post Type from the driblet downward menu.

3 Cheque the mail types where you want to use the VC editor.

iv Click the Save button.

Later on that, you'll be able to create content in the VC editor on the post types you lot have selected.

Foreign video groundwork on all pages

This outcome may occur if you lot utilise the original version of the WPBakery Page Builder plugin.

Equally you lot know, the modified version of the WPBakery Page Builder plugin is bundled in with the Jupiter theme and merely this version is compatible with Jupiter and The Ken.

And then if you lot're using the original version of the VC plugin, you'll need to switch to the modified version by post-obit this article.

The issue might also be caused by non using the latest version of Modified WPBakery Folio Builder while using the latest version of Jupiter. To avoid this outcome make sure the theme and the plugin are both updated to the latest version.

Not displaying all shortcodes

Sometimes WPBakery Page Architect does not display all of the shortcodes available to you lot by default. To solve this trouble, you demand to do the following:

1 From WordPress left card, go to WPBakery Page Builder > Part Manager.

2 Select Administrator under User Groups Access Rules.

three Click the Select All link at the bottom to enable all shortcodes for administrators.

4 Finally, click the Salvage Changes push at the bottom of the screen to ensure that your changes are kept.

Cannot close windows or some controls become unresponsive

This state of affairs is typically related to the Visual Editor being disabled for your user profile. To set this, follow the steps below:

1 Go to Users > Your Profile in the WordPress admin panel and expect for the Visual Editor setting.

ii At that place is a checkbox labeled Disable The Visual Editor When Writing. Make sure that the checkbox is unchecked.

If there are whatever other issues you tin't resolve, please create a ticket and our support staff will help you.

How To Update Visual Composer In Wordpress,


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